Our motivation

To impact and to engage people and organizations for a better world

FAMAZONIA Foundation has been established based on the principles defined in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, raising funds, and supporting projects and initiatives that can positively impact life in the world.

Our goal is to impact and to grow the awareness of the importance of the environment and biodiversity for the lives of future generations.


Seriousness and commitment to the world

Embracing Initiatives, Strengthening Results

FAMAZONIA Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that works together with NGOs and other initiatives and seeks to promote conservation and environmental sustainability, awareness of the importance of preservation and respect and social justice, through financial support and strengthening of socio-environmental initiatives.

Our team is fully capable of joining initiatives and mobilizing resources to strengthen the capacity for action of initiatives through partnerships with philanthropic institutions, fundraising with donations from people and private companies, helping them to improve their actions and increase their social impact and environment, in addition promoting transformations with future results.